Pisces Full Moon. The end of an Age?

There is much in store for the full moon of Virgo early September 6th 2017.  On September 5th Mars ingresses Virgo, the moon enters Pisces(fullest @ 2:03 am CST, 7:03 am UTC on 9/6), and Mercury stations direct @ 28 degrees Leo(the last eclipse’s degree).  Mercury will be out of its retrograde degrees by September 20th which is also a New moon.  You can truly begin anew!

sept 6 full moon

There has been a lot of strange things happening lately and all I can say is, “Welcome to the Age of Aquarius!”  The Full moon conjuncts Neptune in Pisces.  This is a time of spiritual unfoldment.  A time to heal and readjust.  Being creative and actually creating is a great way to heal now.  Pay particular attention to your dreams and watch for visions as well as fantasies!  The Virgo Sun will help give you reason and discernment to sort the true from the false.

Remember that you cannot have power without effort.  For example: A truly spiritual person is not prideful or egotistical(this takes constant work and pressure on the initiate to achieve self-assurance without self-importance).

Emotions are highly impressionable now.  I suggest staying away from media and anybody that does not handle full moon energy well.  Plan to put yourself in the most favorable environment.  Enjoy beautiful, natural settings.  Perhaps near a lake or calming/healing waters.  Viewing or creating art work or meditate while dancing are all good ways to use this Pisces full moon energy.  Prophetic dreams maybe very powerful; however, remember that there are also those who may take advantage of the time to manipulate or interfere through dream magic.  It is a full moon.  Channel that imagination into great creative works!

The Sun’s opposition to Neptune tells us we should ‘strive for objectivity’!  Emotions from past persons or issues can influence how you view present relationships or situations.  For example:  I had sent a picture of a painting I’ve been working on to a favorite mentor.  I asked for his opinion and he gave it to me.  I thought it curious because it reminded me of something another teacher had told me about a different painting.  I took a step back to really examine this.  They have nothing to do with each other; although, it seemed to me a sexist thing(both are men).  I studied my painting more and realized what my mentor said was correct and not what I thought(stemming from what the other teacher had said).  I’ve been working on implementing his advice for the symmetry of the whole painting!  My mentor also inadvertently pointed out another piece the panting that was missing Although it took me a bit to catch it.  This is a true sign of a great mentor: to gently guide you to help yourself.

We all have are own unique ways and qualities.  One person’s identity should not color another similar person’s because, in actuality, they are quite different.  Just because one man/woman said something does not mean all men/women would say, perceive, or agree to the same.  If you are confused and unsure give it time.   

Remember opinions are like birthdays, everybody has one.  When it comes from someone we care about we are more inclined to listen.  Again, listen objectively!  It is  beneficial to watch for deceitfulness in others as well as in yourself.  Be completely honest with yourself and others!  Where love and romance are concerned be aware of disillusion.  We are still under the influence of Mercury Rx after all.  

 Mercury is currently conjunct Mars on the Leo eclipse degree.  People are highly competitive in their speech and the desire to exert the intellect is there.  Impetuous desires can only be satisfied for a short time.  Seek long term fulfillment by doing the work and using patience.  The path will become more clear by the Virgo New Moon. 

Mars is also in trine with Uranus.  This gives willpower and the courage to reject the old to reign out the new.  There is a plethora of energy here.  Best to use it for professional works and self control!  Independence and personal freedom are high on the list for many people right now.  Remember that before you engage or disengage.

Cere’s is very prominent in this full moon chart.  The Mother asteroid is square Eris and Jupiter and in opposition to Pluto on the D.C.  This can represent hostility toward coworkers and/or women in particular.  Remember that we are both male and female.  “Just as an electrical circuit requires positive and negative poles, both energies are necessary to create a complete spiritual circuitry…” (The Essential Zohar); ” Abraham drew the divine feminine[Shechinah or Shakti] presence into himself and thereby created an internal balance that protected him against negative influences.” 

It is advisable to accept people as who they are.  ‘Over-the-top self-esteem’ isn’t a bad thing if it is in line with your own inner truth, but if your outer self is not representing your inner knowing then a readjustment with your actions and underlying values is required.  Determine what you believe without a shadow of a doubt and align or realign your soul center.  Self-understanding is a prerequisite to self-mastery!

Happy Full Moon!  May Shechinah be with you on your journey.  


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