December Total Solar Eclipse

Happy Sagittarius(12 degrees) New Moon, Eclipse! Everyone is feeling this! Abundance, buoyancy, and Jubilee! Happy Holidays! May the season send you on the road you seek, be it the Great Attractor, God, Truth, or Light!

Wow! A Total Solar Eclipse during a Shabbat Hanukkah!  The 2020 new moon was also a Solar eclipse.  I heard someone describe this time as creative chaos, and I agree. My focus is on art(whatever it is in the moment. I make a beautiful mess[or improvement ;D] wherever I go). Lately, things have not formed as planned. And it is okay! Experiments and their exciting outcomes are fun! Enjoy doing what you love at the moment; be pleasured by the surprise of unfolding events.

 The month of Sagittarius; I feel the urge to move, learn something new, and spend time with friends on the path. Some I have talked to seem in some sort–feud or frustration. I love to write, but I am tired of being plugged into a computer. As Neptune has slowed to station, now direct, I have been dealing with my addiction to electronic media. With the moon’s nodes changing axis from Gemini/Sagittarius to Taurus/Scorpio O I am happy to break from mental stimuli. Earth/water energy of Taurus/Scorpio is too sensual for that! Time to feel through our physical bodies again! Leave the world of thought for the thrill of the senses.

Avert the evil eye. Ill will makes for poor companionship. Sincerity goes a long way! Let those imposing jabs(jealous or negative emotions) against you sear away! Who are they to force your will? It’s the season for goodwill towards men and women; let love reign!

Sagittarius is known as the sign of beliefs, but I know Sagittarius as the sign of experiences. What one believes is formed by one’s experience. Not everyone is as educated as Sagittarius; learn to deal with people calmly, and all will be well. Pour yourself a drink, and listen, learn, or preach. Even the fool has a trick to teach. People come to experience!

My concentration is often on the side of aspects and transits in astrology, but people have asked me what it all means. In truth, it means something different to each of us. I can offer what it means to me. Astrology is a feeling, like our moon ruling the emotional tides. The tech side allows one to pay attention to and record their personal associations of astrological aspects and transits. I find that astrologers with similar astrology signs(Sun, Moon, or Rising) make the most sense as far as interpretation goes. Click the highlighted words for more links to meaning.

Astrological tech:

The total eclipse occurs around 1 am(7 am UTC), with the maximum eclipse at 1:33 am CST and ending at 2:06 am(8:06 am UTC). It will be visible in the Southern seas(Antarctica[has a saros cycle of its own—Saros 152—which began causing total solar eclipses in 1967 and will continue to do so until the year 2490] and partially in South America, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand). Eclipses occur when the Moon and/or Sun comes close to the nodes(within 10-12 degrees). Partial eclipses occur up to 18.5 degrees. This eclipse is about 11 degrees apart from the South node. It will be visible in the Southernmost tips of the world, where Spring is midway to summer, the mating season for seals and emperor penguins

Here in the Northern hemisphere, we are midway to winter. And the season of Sagittarius is one of celebrations, holidays, and jovial Jupiter! We welcome the light as we enter the night. Acts of selflessness over selfishness, but not to be overdone. This time of year, the joy of spending energy to celebrate friends and loved ones may be a priority. Save some energy for the slow-climbing month of Capricorn. The solstice nears.  

Happy Hanukkah!…the current celebration and holiday(eve of 28/11/2021 to the eve of 6/12/2021). Hanukkah is celebrated every year on the 25th day of the month of Kislev, the darkest part(new moon) of the lunar month of Sagittarius. In the Hebrew calendar, a lunisolar calendar, the position of the Sun and the Moon(the Gregorian calendar uses only the Sun) determines the months and years. 2021-2022 is a year of Jubilee for the Hebrews. Miraculously without the dark, we would never know the light that shines brightest in the darkness. May the light be with you always!

Venus in Capricorn conjunct Pluto on 11/12/2021; this highlights the love of power(government), surrender, and the physical side of love. It feels like an authority using psychology to make us fall in love or prey to or have to surrender or manipulate our way out or through. Venus stations retrograde on Dec 19th; the evening star heads back toward the underworld of Pluto and will conjunct Pluto again on Dec 25th(Christmas/Yule). The last Venus/Pluto conjunction in Capricorn occurs 3/3/2022(There is one more on New Year’s Day 2023[12/31/2022-1/1/2023]). With Hygiea in Libra square Venus be aware of throwing caution to the wind(wear protection)! Libra is the sign of justice but also pleasing others through surrender. Take care in prevention and do not let anyone push their preventive health measures against others. Chiron is retrograde in Aries trine Vesta in Sagittarius. Aries is how we face the world or how the world sees our face. Holistic health care is in the home and sacred spaces(our fire). Working with Ceres and Chiron takes patience. There is work to do(Vesta sextile Saturn). Retrogrades can help us pace ourselves. With Ceres, where there is creation, there is loss.

Ceres retrograde in Gemini and Vesta in Sagittarius have been conjunct the nodes and opposing each other. When you choose one side, you will always have opposition. That is the order of things. The energy in Sagittarius suggests resourcefulness. The goddess planets sometimes blend. For example, Vesta is known as the potter. But the process of pottery making is a lesson of Ceres. Ceres concentrates on her piece in the fire; if disrupted, the transformation may break. Imperfect, fired pieces of pottery get tossed into the river as only the water will break it down and redistribute it. Ceres is creative and sometimes grieving. Pottery(as well as life) is fragile at every step of the process. Focus without disruption or disturbed by chaos, creates at will.

We use what we have in abundance to fuel our endeavors. Ceres Rx enters Taurus on the solstice(21/12/2021, Sun enters Capricorn). Ceres is crucial here as she is moving with the Nodes. Pluto and Ceres are similar planets of size and mass. Although Pluto is slightly bigger, Ceres is closer to home(less than 200 million miles from Earth compared to over three billion). Their stories collide, and they often have to share the beauty(space or person). Heavenly feast or famine in a time where quantity and quality matter. Ceres is the goddess of agriculture; she is likened to the moon and corresponds to high and low tides. She can be extreme in her emotions and passions. From grief to abundance of joy, she celebrates life and death.

Once Mars passes the stationing North node(Rahu) in the first degree of Sagittarius, we enter into what Vedic astrologers call Kalsarpa Yoga(Kala Sarpa Dosha); 14/12/2021 until April 2022. Kalsarpa Yoga is when all traditional planets(Vedic astrology) are on one side of the Nodes. Mars will oppose Ceres, conjunct the South Node mid-December(14-15), and join the other planets(Apasavya Kalasarpa Yoga/Dosha, where seven planets are moving away from the tail, South node[Ketu] and enter towards the head, North node[Rahu]). I am a Western astrologer: to give an idea of how this may be in effect, the pattern also occurred throughout 2020, beginning in March when man was brought to a halt(world lockdowns). Kal Sarpa Yoga – In the Grip of Rahu Ketu and more links on Kalsarpa Yoga below.

During 2020 the outlier of this pattern was Vesta, the goddess planet of home and hearth. The Kalsarpa Yoga has brought us into our homes, sacred spaces, and kitchens. The world adapted to new restrictions(using fewer fossil fuels and taking care of our overall well-being). Now, Hygiea, the dwarf goddess planet of hygiene and healthy habits, is the outlier. Hygiea is trine Jupiter, the ruling planet of Sagittarius, through the end of December. After Jupiter enters Pisces(28/12/2021), Hygiea enters Scorpio. Be mindful of liquid substances. There may be an abundance or lack of food and drink(also an ‘El Nino’ year, extreme weather, or drought). May you receive the proper nutrients to sustain you through and through. Mars is conjunct the moon in Sagittarius on the 31st. Be mindful of travel(if you drink, don’t drive). New Year’s Eve is called amateur night for a reason.

The month of Sagittarius, what a time to launch a giant arrow/phallus(DART) into space. Asteroid Redirecting or Asteroid mining? Somehow penetration is supposed to protect or save us all. 5G takes over our airwaves in February 2022! Happy Holidays!

Try something new, travel to a sacred place, spend time with loved ones, take a class, get a massage, take a spa day, enjoy your private meditation, concentrate on raising your vibration, or dance the night away!

Love, sunshine, and rainbows ;D

Rachel McCabe

I saw Starlink again tonight! The weather has been nice. Sometimes very windy, especially on days of cloud seeding(solar radiation management or whatever you want to call it[sky writings/geoengineering]).

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