Capricorn New Moon 2022

Happy Holidays! There are plenty of festivities for everyone! We have celebrated Solstice, now in the middle of Hanukkah, and today is the New Moon!

We are coming out of the boundless Sagittarian energy and into the limiting structure of Capricorn. There are powerful ingresses occurring from Mutable( Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, Pisces) to Cardinal signs( Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). What a great time to take the lead and begin new paths!

Prevention is always the best medicine, and now it is big business! We may see more people take control of their own health, or the PPE of the past drops into the background. Overindulgence gets reprimanded in the month of Capricorn. Organize, slow down, take your time, and watch your head.

Chiron in Aries has come to a halt, preparing to go through the lessons you may already have learned. Past actions or ailment( possibly from helping a friend) may be repressed or brought to the surface. Jupiter enters Aries-the id–the baby ego–the beginning. Have certainty before proceeding, especially in long-term contractual arrangements.

Statistically, Aries are the best drivers of the zodiac. The concern is rushing head-on without a second thought or consideration for the living environment . Nurture your ideas as you create them. Is it loving, or is there harm involved? Do a proper risk assessment, health screening, second opinion, or background check.

There is a lot of drive present to do what one wants and loves unless laziness is an issue. I have noticed procrastinating due to the amount of work and desire to have fun! I spent too much! However, I am moderating sugars in my diet. Capricorn is the wisdom of age(s) and relates to the body through bones, skin, teeth, joints, and fascia. Stay the course, once Capricorn is in motion she tends to stay in that motion.

There is, however, a lot of stop and go energy. On one side, you have Aries, the sign ruled by Mars, wanting to go. Mars is Rx preparing to station–setting us back on the path. Then there is Ceres being emotional about it and Capricorn not expressing all of those emotions. Capricorns choose to control or filter emotion. They do not want to appear weak, mushy, or extreme; because of this their expression is often not fully accentuated. Capricorn resides over organizations, such as, government operations.

Mars Rx in intellectual Gemini is postponing meetings and slowing to station mid-January. The stalled energy may be beneficial with Jupiter on the Aries point all this week and into the new year. Mercury is currently in its shadow mode. Take it easy and stay clear of the storm.  

Please see my notes.

When Jupiter first left Pisces for Aries, I did a rendition of an ovary releasing an egg. To me, Jupiter entering Aries feels like ovulation. Jupiter represents abundance, and Aries is the child. It’s ironic that Jupiter is opposite Ceres, who also represents abundance and fertility.

Here’s to Ceres and her cyclone bomb! One storm hits the whole United States, and no one wants to talk about it! I want to talk about it!

Never in the history of recorded weather patterns has the U.S. ever had one storm hit the whole country! Given what I know about science, this is very concerning. So my pursuit of happiness has been disturbed again. However, I still have a positive view on the matter. Capitalization always occurs after destruction! Although the focus is on business, we would do well to focus on the spiritual. There is much beyond comprehension and accessibility. We can rely on spirit.

As I write, I m having a Ceres experience. I had almost finished editing, and then it was gone, taking me back to an earlier version. All of the beautiful creation was lost. After a moment of grief, we begin again. What was created may be found, yet in a form we had not expected.

Ceres, through her myth, is the reason we experience winter. Someone stole her baby, and through her grief and rage, she would not allow the Earth to reproduce.

Ceres in Libra — brings creation divinely to form–she shows up as wind; and is in opposition with her baby’s daddy, Zeus!

From “GODDESS ASTEROIDS:  ORIGINS OF MYTHOLOGY.”  a presentation by Rachel McCabe November 2021.

For more studies on Ceres look to Demeter the Greek personification of Roman Ceres:

Consumption of food, drug, or energy may encourage extreme emotions within our home or with friends. Perhaps, avoid alcohol, lower gas and energy usage, change passwords, add parental controls to electronic devices, read and re-read everything, stay clear of red flags, and do your due diligence.

Material love and spiritual love are present for the holidays! As are dreams of grandeur, lust, illusions, and tricky top-down information that can cloud consciousness. There is some fog, and things have disappeared and reappeared. Look to find gratitude in everything. There are blessings to be had! Focus on higher spirituality, let meditation guide you, and be aware of what hides beneath the sheets. Although I only usually take calculated risks, I love the term, “but did you die?” Capricorn strengthens our resolve. Or we may hide our emotions. Water flows freely until the Earth is present to grasp a hold on.

Rocks protecting the snow from the wind.

There is a lot of talk about the masculine stepping up to take their position and do their work. Yet they need the feminine, perhaps acting as a facilitator. It is not up to one sex to fix the other sex. Or that only one sex has a problem. You are only as advanced as the least among you. I think of the interwoven snakes of Gemini and Ceres; it takes cooperation from both sexes(classes, races, creeds, countries, or political parties) to give birth to the world!

The moon will be in Aquarius on Christmas; technological gifts are favored. Fun acquittances vs. intimate connections. Play a game( Cards Against Humanity comes to mind) or discuss the latest astrology and progressive ideas. 

I hope your days are merry and bright and your nights are full of love and light!

Happy Hoildays and lots of love,


Mercury stations Retrograde @ 24 degrees Capricorn(conjunct Venus) on Dec 29th, just after the last and final Pluto conjunction of the U.S. birth chart( Sibley 1776). You may have felt the effects of the Mercury shadow in Capricorn for over a week now. January 2023 begins on Sunday, the first day of the week. Mercury stations direct 1-18-2023 and will re-enter that point of power the second week of February. Jupiter in Aries: we had a bit of a feeling of how Jupiter resonates in heavy hitter Aries during May of 2022-November 2022. Jupiter leaves his retrograde shadow in mid-February.

3 thoughts on “Capricorn New Moon 2022

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