July New Moon 2023

An Old Crab said to her son, “Why do you walk sideways like that, my son? You ought to walk straight.” The Young Crab replied, “Show me how, dear mother, and I’ll follow your example.” The Old Crab tried, but tried in vain, and then saw how foolish she had been to find fault with her child.

Happy New Moon! Wowzah! The Sun, our Star, and Moon, our satellite, come together near 25 degrees of Cancer. Following the sign of the twins, Cancer is a blending of energies (hot-cold, wet-dry, male-female, the in and out, water-land, yin-yang, etc.). Cancer, in Latin, quit literally means crab, and is associated with the moon and mother, both light and dark.

Crabs often attach their young to their bellies until they free themselves to swim alone. Hence Cancer rules the breast and abdomen. Freshwater crabs care for their young the longest by keeping a clean environment, removing predators, and allowing the flow of fresh air and water into their habitat. On the other hand, marine mother crabs care little and are more likely to devour their babies.

The New Moon chart for Saint Louis (Central Daylight Time):

At precisely the moment of the Sun conjunct Moon, the nodes are, to the second, 0 degrees of fixed (Taurus-Scorpio) signs! The pathways have entered Aries and Libra–blending the physical with the intellectual. How are your thoughts or emotions impacting your being? With Aries leading the way, we reach for independence. The pull from Libra seeks justice in relations.

Take, and use what you know and put it into action. The theme may be the divine masculine through the guise of a child, relationships, family, and power. Who has power over you, and what control do you yield? Is it being used responsibly, or is it manipulative?

There is healing in leading in your own direction. But be mindful of the free will of others. However, allowing others to lead your life for you causes stagnation or worse–castration. Then again, there is a call to lead! Others may be counting on you (or you on another) to provide nurturance. Be responsible by taking up the helm, or at least know or find out who is controlling your direction. Maybe pay respect or help out when due; use the stars as a guide, take measurements, or prepare the sails.

With our past ( and into the future) the influence of Aquarius, a sense of tribalism took over. People created their groups and their outcasts. How true is that for you today? What groups stay, and who goes? Can you allow that outcast back into the group, or are you the outcasted? Maybe you can hang out for a little while, or maybe not. We can heal our relationships and still move on. Taking care of our broad is required. Balance the ego with a firm will while taking emotions into account. Logic without emotion creates unhappiness. But feelings without reason cause instability. 

On the Subject of Will-Power:

To have free will or a slave to thy will? To truly be free, we would be spirit only, as opposed to a living being. Now this brings to mind the theory of relativity. Spirit, or energy, is equal to a physical being or mass. The idea is that a small amount of matter can be well equal to a significate amount of energy, perhaps willpower even. But then we work with general and special relativity bringing up the case of gravity. Our physical beings are held by the Earth, gravity, or grounded and rooted by limitation(Saturn). Our spirit or special relativity (energy) is not. Our wills, if allowed, may be thwarted by stronger ones in the physical. How much are they deterred in the spiritual? Though it may seem much more powerful, energy without a body may not produce the desired effects in the physical world, but we know energy in a mass can also have the same effect.

Unless we die and come back, we will never truly understand that; hence why the theory of relativity cannot be disproven. It may be true that being alive holds more power in the physical world, but Earthlings are hardly independent. Are we more free in spirit, not bound in the material–how much influence can we have? Perhaps, a Saturn (boundaries) in Pisces (spirit) lesson.

Concentration of our will is limited, at this time, to one or two things. I noticed (during Moon in Aries), not long after getting a new phone, that I am still opposed to 5G. I recall a better quality of life before submitting to cellular power in 2019 (first time owning a cell phone in seven years). I was happier and more conscious; I enjoyed more time, and life held more meaning.

Now, almost forced into having one. I have decided to limit myself and my time with such a sucker. I know I am sensitive to EMFs, as we all are. Cell phones are proven non-healthy, but not all are concerned or even conscious of the fact. How does one compete with the unconscious?

Through dreams, perhaps. Interestingly I recall a dream I had about a week ago. I saw part of myself caught inside a cell phone. I thought I was through with addiction, yet I often escape into my cellular; it appears to have me trapped in my dream (Neptune). Unfortunately, I need it to stay in contact with my friends and family as I sold out my landline. I plan to break away from it otherwise, as my new 5G phone offers a way to monitor screen time, a reminder to limit myself.

Second, in the past, I gave a lot of time and energy to friends. Now my family takes precedence, so much so that I have little time for myself. Although I want more time for friends, I also have to be mindful not to give so much that it takes away from myself. I must put family and my duty at the top of the list! What good am I if I do not? Though I will still practice compassion and help when I can, I have to do my work myself, and others must do their ‘work’ themselves.

Although it may be tough to carry one’s burdens alone, it does not serve to hold the weight of the world alone. Do as you will, but you, yourself, are responsible for that will; unless others possess the same will/power.

Exploring the Divine Masculine:

Astrologers typically concern themselves with patterns. In my case, I have noticed the notion of the divine masculine come up on multiple occasions. More pointedly, recently, a book called The Ravaged Bridegroom: Masculinity in Women; by Marion Woodman.  And the word or name Electra ( Greek: The “Bright One”). Electra, known for saving her younger brother’s life, later helped him to avenge their father’s death by slaying their mother and her lover.

I happen to have a copy of that book. I read Marion Woodman’s book on alchemy and loved it! I bought the Ravaged Bridegroom, but I read very little of it. Packed away, I made a point to uncover it. Before I did, I noticed another book I recently acquired, perhaps from a divine masculine view; Pyromantic Verses: Scrying the Flame of Ascent by Bill Duvendack. Interestingly, I find a verse on Lilith, Dark Feminine Archetype: A man’s tale ( A ‘harmonic’ aspect in the Cancer New Moon chart, a trine between Chiron and Lilith[the will to heal]). I also read a few more chapters which reminded me of a meditation I performed recently:

I focused my desire for unattachment to my cell phone on a piece of clay. As I centered the clay, the issue appeared. I often escaped into my cell phone when my husband was unkind. I centered the clay on my wheel, and as I opened, my meditation shifted away from my attachment and into the desire for the masculine ( or his feminine) to be kind. May I experience kindness and be free from the desire of addiction! July 9th, 2023.

I write about infusing art with energy in my book, The Sacred Secrets of Vesta: the Astrology of Kundalini Rising. Art can be so influential simply by the emotion the artist projected while creating his work. Energy, ideas, and sentiments can house in a shell created by the owner.

Interestingly, I retrieved Marion Woodman’s book from storage. I open and find myself reading Brigette’s story in the chapter, Magicians, Tricksters, and Clowns: Masculinity in Addictions. Her story is one of her physical and spiritual nature and how they affect one another when in or out of alignment.

All three of these totally different books (Pyromantic Verses, The Sacred Secrets of Vesta, and The Ravaged Bridegroom) describe a blending of our feminine and masculine sides, our animus and anima

I’m No Angel, made Gold by Gregg Allman, written by Tony Colton and writer Phil Palmer. First performance by Bill Medley (The Righteous Brothers).

Lots of Love,

Rachel McCabe

A Tantra Story From a Friend:

July 10th

I awoke this morning thinking about something that happened in the past with a Cancer friend. We hooked up after I had ‘uncoupled’ from my long-term, big love, high school bf. I deeply respected my friend as an artist, creator, mature for a teen, man! We had experimented with psychedelic substances and took things faster, probably sooner than we would have naturally. But we were doing what teens do, experimenting with life while enjoying the journey.

Although high, it was magical! I knew little about sex and Tantra and the biological/psychological connection that intercourse creates. But I was open to it because I was not taught or indoctrinated with sexual shame or dogma (although that came with experience). 

I scribed little love notes to him. We spent time together as friends. Something was not right. Was he taken aback? Perhaps my notes were too much, or maybe I needed more than he wanted to give; he did not open up to me in return ( typical of a Cancerian, moody and taciturn). I hooked up with my ex-bf, not because I wanted him back, but because he was experimenting with Tantra, wanted to try something out, and I was genuinely curious.

I did not think much about it. My Cancer friend found out about it through mutual friends, but I did not know. I had let it go, but he was angry with me. I had no idea where it was coming from. It must have hurt him, as he responded with venom towards me. Although neither of us had spoken out loud about becoming a monogamous couple, there is that indoctrination that sex should be monogamous; therefore, my experience with my ex may have injured him psychologically. I guess it hurt his masculinity. In turn, he lashed out at my femininity.

It was upsetting that someone I shared such intimacy with could insult that part of my nature. But that is the typical response of society–blame the woman as if men have no responsibility over feelings or even their own femininity. I, however, do not blame him. I love him, his whole being. However, I was unconcerned with his unknown feelings: maybe his beliefs that sex should be monogamous, which we never discussed. I do practice monogamy when established. Not necessarily, held by it otherwise; it is not my law. I forgave and apologized later, though I was still unsure what exactly I was apologizing for except for any pain I inflicted or may have.

It was strange for me, his hatred. I was not hurt when he began seeing another female soon afterward, but I did not understand his disdain towards our feminine-masculine friendship. After that, I went on a downward spiral, a quest, exploring my dark feminine to find my divine masculine. I will not allow myself perturbation when the masculine shows unkindness toward my feminine nature. By finding my masculinity, I can stand firm in protecting my feminine nature.

The point of this story– you can love someone honestly and not be with them, and you can be intimate with another and not hold ownership over them. But there is no need to hurt each other, the masculine nor the feminine; simply not based on feelings about yourself (emotions, pains, bliss, attachments, beliefs, or what have you). Like a Cancer crab, we can use the masculine, hard outer shell to guard the inner softer (feminine/emotional) side of ourselves. Both the masculine and feminine must be honored. It often begins with a conversation. Likely the conversation we most need to have is with ourselves. To know our own is divine; to extend that honor is omnipotence!


Some outtakes and extras:

Moon, mother crab, yin-yang!

I have Hygiea at this degree (25 Cancer) nataly, my 8th house (reflected in this writing). What is most interesting in this chart, however, at precisely the moment of the Sun conjunct the moon, is the nodes being exactly, to the second, of 0 degrees fixed (Taurus-Scorpio) signs! To be read in Sabin Symbols as 29 Aries and 29 Libra–blending the physical with the intellectual; however, there is that uncertainty with the 29th degree.

What is Cancer without a little music ;D Check out the sound of an astrological chart! I have set it for the New Moon. Have fun with the sounds of the transits! https://www.astro.com/cgi/chart.cgi?;nhor=1;btyp=mus;musmt=2

Astrology notes and gifts to those who understand my language and can read my handwriting:

The Sun enters Leo on July 22nd, the same day Venus stations retrograde (Rx) at 28 Leo. Chiron in Aries stations Rx ( 20 Aries) the very next day, the 23rd. One month later, Mercury will Rx again in Virgo ( 21 degrees) with Uranus on its heels ( Rx 23 Taurus)! Venus rights her direction in September ( stations 12 degrees Leo) just before Jupiter joins the rest in backward motion ( Rx 15 Taurus). Much can be attributed to review at this time!

Other large influences from this New moon to the next include Mercury (Leo) conjunct Venus Rx on the 27th, Mercury (Virgo) opposition Saturn on August 1st, Sun (Leo) square Jupiter (Taurus) on the 6th, Venus Rx square Uranus (Taurus) on the 9th, and Sun (Leo) conjunct Venus Rx on the 13th.

Much later Venus Rx in Leo squares Jupiter in Taurus, Aug. 22nd and again… Venus in Leo squares Jupiter Rx in Taurus Sept. 17th. !!!

It is a lot, but how else does one describe the current energies? ..expanded consciousness ;D …Body and mind! How are you feeling? Let me know 🙂

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