Leo New Moon 2023

Happy Leo New Moon! New Moons are reminders to keep planting seeds, figuratively and literally. Growers may already have those plans in place for their fall gardens. Plant your willful seeds despite all the retrograde planets and coming Mercury retrograde (exactly August 23 when the Sun enters Virgo)! There is no better time to begin than the present.

New Moon Chart for the 16th! Published early for your benefit, partly due to impulsive energy ;D An update may follow as the New Moon appears.

Communication difficulties when it comes to money, motherhood, and health. Subconscious inertia, consciousness online; bring it back to the body. The desire to heal is present. Heal, we must! No matter how radical. We are willing to fight for that. While the systems set are holding on to–limiting what they want us to do, there is a breakdown or breakthrough in past contracts. Power is shifting. Will is strong!

Uranus is lightning. It is not a pinpoint; it is electrical, erratic, scatters across the sky, energy! It is not controlled, contained, or predicted to strike in a precise location. It is powerful, spontaneous, hot, sophisticated, beautiful, loud, and scary! Only the Earth can ground it. The Earth uses it for growth. It moves things along. Lightening and sand can become hard like glass, but glass is fragile ( not like a hard diamond that takes years to create). If picked up and then dropped to the ground, it shatters into many pieces. Someone has to come along to clean up the mess ( I suggest the one who created it); otherwise, there lies a danger to all. However, Uranus brings light to the situation, and with Jupiter’s exuberances, surprising blessings in the house of Taurus ( possibly Venus or 2nd house stuff)!

Colored photo taken by the James Webb Space Telescope, February 6, 2023 (Sun was in Uranus’ sign Aquarius, the opposite of Leo). The planet Uranus is known for its extreme seasons!

Uranus is in an Earth sign (Taurus); not an easy placement, possessed in material things( the body), for this eccentric, mental, universally conscious planet/being. It is one of the few forward-moving at this time–along with Jupiter expanding his conscientiousness in the sign of Taurus. It feels like too much stuff! With the Sun and Moon, we invest physically and emotionally.

In Leo, the drama plays out in the heart of the electrical body ❤ Forget the Lion’s Gate–this is the time for Universal prayer and meditation, rooting your consciousness AND the conscious of others!!! Get your feet planted soulfully on Mother Gaia (the Earth, the soil, our roots).

Begin with cleaning the surface or spot clearing. Much lies beneath, but it will have to wait for Virgo and Scorpio before we may deal with it. Dreams and nidra ( the yoga of rest) are healing. Before embodying dream consciousness, we must first endeavor body awareness–the state of being awake.

In another way, before we can get what we want, we must begin by knowing what we have and then understand what is needed. Enough is never enough, but appreciation goes a long way!

Your mentality plays into your emotions, and emotions, into your physicality. That is why meditation works so well in healing the body. We clear our minds and what we think; this frees us from how we feel, or at least we can begin to feel our bodies. We can now work with our bodies to release emotions that cause tension through contraction and relaxation.

There is the saying, “Love is to live for somebody. Love is not to live with somebody.” And that body is also your own–Uranus is often the loner. ( Lightening does not typically strike the same place twice, nor does one usually see two bolts wrapped around one another. Yet, when you see lightning, it is rarely only one. Fitting for the group sign of Aquarius). Each and every member of the group is bright and stands out somewhere in a unique way. The Sun (Leo) is our Star.

There is a lot of mental energy to take in during this dark moon ( New Moon)! I recommend destressing–back to the basics–A return to Hatha Yoga–breathing–awareness–movement; three Sun Salutations:

Take your time to breathe, stretch and relax! Be sure to feel every moment, muscle, and motion. State of mind, state of being, state of releasing ( freeing is healing)! Master the mind, master the body, then master the soul!


Rachel McCabe

Cicada emerges…early!?

My astrology notes in random order:

Mercury is slowing down, preparing to join the other retrograde planets. As we are inundated with mental energy, we may also miss important emails, phone calls, and mechanical warnings in general. So be aware, double and triple-check. Allow mistakes to be made and correct misunderstandings. So much is exhausting, causing many to tune out or pass on–bye.

New Moon is Conjunct Lilith ( BML)!

Pluto Rx in Capricorn > Money – family – power – killing (before re-birthing [ direct])

Saturn Rx in Pisces > Karma – cleansing with water – fear -castration – death ( ending old age)

Venus Rx in Leo > Drama, Money – Royalty – loves – children

Pluto in Cap and Venus in Leo are about getting money!

Chiron Rx in Aries — healing past wounds, self-wounding–self-healing

Neptune Rx in Pisces — sleep and bringing the past back through dreaming

Hygiea Rx in Aquarius — using psychological techniques from past healing in group settings or phycological scientific…inquiry

Eris Rx in Aries conjunct the North Node Rx > Fight for self-righteousness!

The New Moon in Leo is square Uranus in Taurus and Uranus trine Mars in Virgo. Watch your heart!

Venus Rx in Leo is sextile Ceres in Libra (a long-time opposition to Chiron Rx in Aries and coming back!)

Chiron Rx in Aries inconjunct Mercury in Virgo ( Mercury is in shadow; the current communication issue will come back around until dealt with).

Chiron Rx semi-square to Saturn Rx in Pisces > karma, karma

The New Moon occurs before the Sunrise ( here in the Central US) awake with a salute to the Sun! 🙂 See the link on Sun Salutations for the details. The other links above ( mind, body, and soul) give more small insights into the practice.

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