September 14th New Moon 2023

“…She is the Cosmic Reservoir of Thought from which we draw our intelligence…The trickster tricks himself, and the deceiver but deceives his own dear self. Incorruptible Justice rewards and punishes the actions of all intelligent life in the universe…a veiled hint to those who believe that what they design or aim at is hidden from the all-seeing eye of Divinity” ~ Gopi Krishna

Happy New Moon! — 21-22 Virgo, the same degree as when Mercury Stationed Rx! Mercury, again stationed, is at 8 Virgo! Direct exact on the 15th. Rosh Hashanah — Jewish New Year!

New Moon trine Uranus ( retrograde [ Rx] 19-23 Taurus ). For everyone my age we are experiencing Uranus Rx on our natal Chiron(With our Chiron, Neptune, Pluto Yod)! It is my B-day! ( Natal Sun-Ceres conjunction [Ask me about it. The devil is in the details]>)–out of chaos comes order–meaning there is harmony in the tension we experienced from last month’s New Moon. The past makes a comeback! Look for my short on the Lion’s Gate below, click the arrow.

Virgos tend to get associated with housekeeping. But that isn’t always true. Geminis are often better housekeepers( they need this to keep their minds right). Virgos, though, tend to deal with dirty laundry. They like deep cleaning, research, and analyzing a thing. Virgo is associated with science and assimilation. Rulers of the intestines can take pieces and understand the whole or the whole and understand the parts. They are precise and often to the point of the matter. Highly critical. The harvester and worrier. She discerns the work needed for holistic wellness.

As a Virgo, I know these times are critical. Virgos learn not to ask for help because people often criticize them when they do. Many may celebrate their accomplishments in the month of Leo, and they critic themselves (and everyone else) in the month of Virgo. Although others seem judgee, it is not about them, but about you! Hence, Virgos may prefer to be left alone to figure this out. Are you being too hard on yourself or not enough?

Plan on a change in direction! Virgos often give or take instructions. They are methodological and mechanical. For all you card players—Virgo may recognize itself in the High Priestess ( Science) and the Hermit ( Introspection). With Mercury ( old ruler of Virgo), Rx in Virgo introspection and mechanics( including the body) play a Major role! Perhaps the New Age ruler of Virgo is Chiron or Vesta. Chiron represents the self-healer, teacher, and sacrifice. Some say Sagittarius is his sign, linking to his horse-like lower body and higher mind. I say Virgo in the 9th house ( Sagittarius) is Chirotic. Chiron is exalted in the 6th house ( Virgo).

I have also noticed dealing with those that share space (Vesta [ and work]), such as the beings that live with us! We often have to deal with their issues as well as our own. Virgo is the sign of sacred service; other aspects of my astrology are playing havoc with my health at the moment, as a Virgo, healing is my focus: whole body health ( mind, body, spirit), diet ( daily habits), and wellness ( happiness)!

Although Virgos are not a fixed sign, they tend to want to hold on to their positions, especially their investments ( the things worked hard for) the longest! Mercury does not hold shape and can slip through your hands like the sands of time. Perhaps the Earth sign quality. Pluto Rx in Capricorn, Jupiter Rx–Uranus Rx in Taurus, and now the Sun and moon in Virgo– many are focused on finances and the stock market, food and fuel, and health and other sciences.

Mercury is toxic when held on to, but it measures the temperature of the environment–too much or too high ( hot) is not a good thing as it usually brings about death, but death is not a bad thing, it is just a transition from one state of being to another. The end is the beginning of something new! A fever will often kill the virus. Suffering may lead to death, but passion lends itself to wellness ( life). Survival is a matter of will.

By now, most stargazers have witnessed what is known as Starlink, a group of satellites moving in a straight line. They may be seen often after sunset, reflecting the light until they disappear into the night sky.

One prominent change we have experienced ( in the positioning of the stars) during the past few years is the fixed star Regulus left the sign of Leo for Virgo. Regulus is associated with royalty. In Virgo, our regalness ties into our work, health, and service.

Ceres-Eris opposition on the Nodes:

Satellites bring us high-speed internet and pollute the air-space waves–militarized skies ( Eris conjunction North Node in Aries) and environment (Ceres conjunction South Node in Libra) the seasons of Earth. I have recently become familiar with an object called Ka’epaoka’awela or Bee-Zed ( asteroid 514107), a retrograde Jupiter-resonant. “Not wanting to be part of the machine,” preferring eroticism to mechanisms.

Cere’s grief comes from the loss of her youth. But it is only one season of her life. She feasts, or she fasts. Although she has many seasons, she is usually only depicted in her youth and old age. In Libra, she may strive to balance this. Ceres is an Earth ( body mass [stability]) and water ( blood [emotion]) goddess. She also sought to kill off her man-preserving nature as repayment for her loss. Her highest form is unconditional love and acceptance.

Eris strives or struggles to persevere. She does not take lightly unacceptance towards her individual nature. Her image often projects into social-political protests or upheavals.

Ceres is the growing or decreasing ( Moon [ Cancer]) of Earthly things ( animal body [ Taurus]). She represents many things, from plants, agriculture, babies, human populations, DNA, and cycles of the Earth(Sun, stars, moon, and women [emotions]) to the opposition from man’s creations, such as, GMOs and other forms of geoengineering ( cloudseeding and weather modification, satellites, and fires for transformation).

Eris is militarized narcissism. She became known as the powers of AI began to explode in the political world ( 2005). Many new technologies emerged at the time of her discovery. She may also link to government crimes, from disinformation and lies to outright murder or mayhem without segregation.

The intriguing little object I recently came across, Ka’epaoka’awela, shares a similar orbital period with Jupiter ( about one Earth year), and it is usually Retrograde. It was discovered on the island of Maui, Hawaii by the Pan-STARRs on November 26, 2014. What is interesting is that Ka’epaoka’awela is direct (16 Libra 51′) while Jupiter (15 Taurus 26′ Rx) is retrograde. I have this object conjunct with my natal Moon in my birth chart.

Ka’epaoka’awela currently shares the sign Libra with Mars, Ceres, and the South Node. The name Ka ‘the,’ epa ‘tricky’ or ‘mischievous,’ o ‘of,’ and Ka’awela ‘Jupiter,’ was systematic or AI-generated by A Hua He Inoa. It was conjunct Ceres at 15 Libra on August 8, 2023.

Lion’s Gate, Aug 8:

There is much going on during the Lion’s Gate chart! Looking at timelines and tuning the times in the astrological chart shows it was a phenomenal day! Volcano patterns from the sky to the ground and back! Two grand trines from Earth to air! The chart below is the time of the first recorded ‘brush’ fire. The winds picked up later in the day, perhaps with the grand air trine–and the nearby hurricane. There is satellite imagery of the blaze from NASA at 10:25 PM

The stories I have heard about the fires in Lahaina are disheartening. Was it a land grab brought on by a ‘higher power’? That is speculation, at least, divination at best. Many people died, and children were not yet at school or sent home early due to power outages from wind ( where the fires burned). There were reports of people’s water shut off. Many things were occurring, including what appeared to be crimes of government crimes against humanity. There are too many “conspiracy theories” around all the facts to be otherwise.

I do not watch the news. So when I get insights ( psychic, spiritual, or universally conscious), I begin to pay attention. I have family connections in Lahaina. I received unsought news from a legitimate source, and the date of the incident appeared to me at random. As did Ka’epaoka’awela. One thing about Ka’epaoka’awela ( “courage to stand up against the Molochs”)-what are ‘Molochs‘? In short, it means ‘Kings’ of whom child sacrifices occur through fire. In the Arms of Moloch

Ceres( currently opposite Eris Rx and North node) is conjunct Kap’epaoka’awela and inconjunct with the Centaur known for abuse, Nessus Rx opposition Mars! The Nodes are square Pluto Rx in partnership and government placements. Of course, the Lion’s Gate or the Sun at 15 Leo ( 15 degrees of the fixed signs, known as the avatar degrees). Neptune Rx ( dreams and make-believe lies) is trine Juno ( Queen of Heaven and written contracts). Venus in Leo is conjunct BML and square the Taurus triple conjunction ( Moon, Jupiter, Uranus), which is trine another triple conjunction in Virgo( Mercury, Pallas, and Mars [detail- thieves war strategy). Saturn is semi-square Chiron Rx in Aries conjunct North Node, Eris Rx, and on the MC ( militant action)!

Eris ( Rx), the sister of Mars, Mars in Libra (opposite Aries), isn’t sure what to do with this sign. Perhaps he needs to practice masturbation and learn how to love himself again. AI–the machine has no idea what that is about–and much less fun-loving sarcasm. Concentration on the digital world is teaching us to take orders from AI. There is no sex in AI’s violence.

My notes:

A Return of the Matriarch! In all her glory! Androgynous Mercury, stationed in the sign of the priestess! Mars, Jupiter Rx, and Uranus Rx transit the signs( Libra [Taurus ] ) of the goddess Venus. Queen, Mother, Goddess! Regulus sextile Vesta, semi-square Venus conjunct Juno, and Black Moon trine Ascendant! Venus conjunct Juno, Queen of Heaven, in regal Leo! Hygiea Rx trine Mars–perhaps invest in a new roof and-or fire insurance–fire hydrants. ( Healing through the written,  spoken, telepathic word–protection from hot air [ Is it self-care or just wanton seduction? ] ). While governments (Pluto Rx in Capricorn near the MC) are breaking down, transitioning, or cutting back for growth, Saturn ( semi-square MC) imposes some limitations. Pallas joins Mars in Libra. Justice! Out of the ( Head) Will of God comes from form– the Matriarchal Strategist!

Venus Stationed in Leo 9-3-2023 journal entry: click the triangle

It is 11:30 a.m. Venus is direct after 8 p.m. Nessus is Rx @ 17 Pisces opposite Mercury Rx, trine the Moon conjunct Jupiter Rx ( Taurus), and square Chiron Rx @ 19 Aries. I realized my first abuser was a woman ( Nessus in Cancer). My first thought was my sister ( jealousy) I have found I may have spoken ill of her ( I had disagreed with someone that she has always been a sweetheart. I am her lil’ sister who grew up living with her; we know each others’ good and bad! [ Mercury Rx in Virgo. ] ) and wonder if it is me who is the resentful negative bitch… holding a grudge for decades, although I still think she holds some jealousy towards me, doesn’t like me, or something. Then I wondered if my first abuser was my mother ( she liked to party). But it occurred to me that maybe I haven’t forgiven them( my feminine self [or my own, past life]). And it may have affected my relationships with men.

Feminists may have considered me, at many times, a “male sympathizer.” Because I had not healed my past with women, I sympathized better with the opposite sex. I believe that is what occurred in my court battle. ( Anyone interested in that can read the documents on Case. Net — Court of Appeals: Rachel McCabe vs. Ashford University. ) It was not a unanimous decision. But a vote. Two women judges and one male. The male judge likely voted against me, and the other female judge voted with him. As the patriarch still heralds the power. My trial attorney skipped an important step; I may not have a chance to recover. I have to wonder–if taken to the Supreme Court, would the rule be any different as I did not have all the facts nor proper representation… I awoke, surprised I had fallen asleep. And, out of the blue, my sister calls me! ❤ 🙂 A reconnection to the feminine! I love my sister! –Despite our humanity ( everyone makes mistakes, and the only perfect people are those who acknowledge and accept life’s imperfections! ).

Further analysis shows this is typical sibling rivalry, or where the children compete for the love of a parent. The feminine tends to repress this for years while the masculine may have a physicality and move on. Perhaps the reason that women may hold a grudge and men often become friends after an altercation with the same gender.

My role as a female is predominantly taking on the rites of the wife, mother, and cooperator at these times. Culturally speaking, my husband, children, and society expect me to take on those roles. As a Virgo, I strive to perfect my service. But as a Goddess, I have my own passions, drives, and desires that may have suffered from lack of attention as I provide my sacred service. How can I balance these? It is the warrior goddess’ turn to teach her brother the ways of the feminine by taking ownership of and loving herself. The Virgin, self-made in her own rite! Fierce AND fertile! Unslaven to those that claim her. And, in other cases, vice versa, the masculine–to bear the feminine. Open to being a vessel, a priestess of sacred service– nurturer of the greater good. A return to loving femininity is a must!

As we begin to enter the scales, the sign of Libra, and the season of Autumn, you may ask yourself, “Which side ( anima and animus) or aspect(s) of yourself is seeking balance?”. Get to it while the Sun still shines in Virgo.


( I have awakened to write by the light of the blue moon on September 1, 2023. Neptune: Things disappearing and sometimes reappearing. Like a dream or the ink of my writing utensil or thoughts I am recording).

Those opposed to Abrahamic religions know their origins are in the older matriarchal societies. Oppositions co-exist on the same level. Perhaps a discussion for the next incoming sign, Libra.

Silly songs that pop into my head at random, sometimes brought on through the consciousness of others (a Neptune thing)-some good some bad, Virgo Sun-Pisces Moon Music of the past month from end to beginning; perhaps something for everyone! Virgo loves to rock’n’roll:

U2 – Beautiful Day (Official Music Video)

Traffic-John Barleycorn Must Die

Verruca Salt’s Seether

Bush’s Everything Zen 😛

The Who – Another Tricky Day (followed by I’m One and Eminence Front).

It is all in a name; sums it up ;D Just look at the art! Listen to the new-ish heavy metal, at will: the-extermination-vol-3 The whole album: Terror – Other Worlds 02:14

Countdown – Average Man 01:31

Disgrace – Hunt / Reprise 02:22

Manipulate – Shadow Walker 02:28

Piece By Piece – Hating You 00:44

Take Offense – Enter The Center 03:31

Higher Power – World Gone Mad 03:44

Friend Or Foe – Invincible 02:02

D.C. Disorder – Naive To A World 01:40

Crazy Town – Butterfly (Official Video)
Bone Thugs N Harmony – 1st of tha Month
Dead Eye Dick – New Age Girl
Leonard Cohen – The Future
Alice In Chains – Over Now

Warrant’s Cherry Pie

Dave Matthews Band – Satellite
Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah through the flute of Sherry Finzer

Happy Rosh Hashanah! Here are a few posts from the past where I mention the power of the High-Holy Day! Blessings and New Beginnings! Love,

Rachel McCabe

With horoscopes! ;D Virgo:  There has been plenty of time for self-inspection.  What did you find out Virgo?  Focus on fixing one thing at a time.
“We are spirit experiencing a physical existence: body, mind, and soul.  By connecting the three we will rise to what we need to be.”
“This New Moon is the beginning of the 7th month in Kabbalistic astrology. It is the month of Libra; law and equality. Rosh Hashanah allows reversal…We can examine our past and recreate our future.”
Love what you hate ;D “Not By One Alone May the Highest of All Be Reached, But By Two United Souls Who Are Exalted By the Sweet Reverberations of Holy Love.

Adamah, B., (2019). Centaurs Damocloids Scattered Disc Objects: Asteroids in astrology 1. Amsterdam: Vamzzz.

To be edited and expanded on:

Hmm… seems my post may have stir the sex pot ;D the whole gender-feminist thing. Maybe I should change my wording. Forgive me for using such ‘Marxist’ terms like ‘the patriarchy’. Heaven forbid I mention ‘feminist’ or the so called leaders of the whole ‘sex movement’. (Sounds like a BM, Virgo thing) HA! The truth is in thy will. That is, people who want to work in whatever role they play are constantly shut down for this, that, or the other. Enough is never enough until you have had enough! By then most do not have the energy to do what they came here to do unless they stand up and say fuck you, ( an Eris or Ceres-in her old age thing) and you, they, them, or the other still they want more. This is not just happening in ‘gender’. Now most kids don’t understand what that is; they identify as ‘them’. Also displays in the work place as no loyalty between anyone. Not for employees or employers, corporations or customers, government or citizens, teachers or students, nor individuals as sexual beings( male-female, the masculine- feminine). “I just want to be a woman” or a man. Where duality exists, in the everyday world, it is quite difficult to do both jobs of the masculine and feminine roles of vessel, house wife and protector (construction worker) or employee and employer or king of the world. The human body cannot take on the needs of everyone. To have a child or a husband or an employee or employer is to have someone feeding off of your god-goddess given body. The problem lies within the framework of not honoring your body or that of others. I want to honor god( my masculine, my husband, my employee) and the goddess( my feminine, my self, and my employer). I want them to honor that of me( Earth – mother – the female [the human -machine – man)!My body belongs to the goddess as I am a female, I was willing to share it with others and still may as long as they honor it as the Goddess’s or even belonging to ‘god’. As a woman it is difficult to play the roles that ‘feminists’ and men expect, both the traditional householder and protector/iron worker and have a life of her own or body! As a man this is hardly an issue as being a vessel is rare( doesn’t conceive) and is typically free to leave. Even the Vestal Virgins were still property of the state. The idea of prostitution is still being a vessel for others. But when there is no respect, honor, or the godly purpose that is yours, your will; than it is sin. Sins of the flesh is to give of the temple ( the body) to anything that isn’t god(your Will, yourself, the reason for your embodiment).

I also want to add that one of my favorite ‘males’ ( not because of what he believes, loves or hates. He is my brother and we can be together despite our differences, with least criticism and most understanding ) in my life. He makes a great point to the whole gender, non- binary, Mao conception of the current time( also AI, perhaps Aquarian, generation). He is a woman hater ( not sure there is a word for that. For women who hate men they just call them feminists, but what about men? Part of the women’s hater club? I think they just got adopted into the word ‘patriarchy’. Anyway, one of my favorite males, he is pro population control yet anti abortion 🙄 btw ( like I mentioned: woman hater) says if you have not registered for the selective service, a.k.a the draft, than you are a woman.

A similar concept that would argue the other side of the coin: if you cannot conceive than you are a man. But no one wants to hear that they cannot conceive ( nor cannot relate because they have no children); nor does anyone want to have to register for selective service, carry a child, or be exterminated against their will! 🫤

what is also interesting is the fact that philosophy in itself is masculine and so is government. Both Marxist and Mao theories are that of communism. Unless ‘feminists’ are mentioned in the idea of philosophy the whole gender of the female lacks a voice in the argument on the subject of philosophy. Hence why the matriarchy is called upon at these times.

as part of the matriarchal philosophy, is it so wrong to want something of yours to be yours alone, and cannot be taken or controlled by another? Is that not the very foundation of capitalism? Love of one’s self ( god-goddess given, body and spirit—Earth and water) is the feminine, female, negative-( opposite of positive+). We cannot afford to keep on taking her for granted. Otherwise all she will become is fire and air. Venus:,and%20thousands%20of%20large%20volcanoes.

Eris- Aries-Libra( fire and air – love of Mars and AI-internet-sword)…

she is hurting so bad and man cannot conceptualize nor relate to what she feels. So she burns—-the corn king.

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